BLOG: Are There Hopes for Women in War Zones?

Security World News
Saturday, October 23, 2010 - 20:00
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Initiative Type: 
Online Dialogues & Blogs

For wars occurring in various countries and war zones, record shows that ninety percent of casualties are civilians, women and children. As women become a vulnerable sector for violence, they became easy targets of inflictions. Women are the backbones of every family. As women turn out to be unsafe, the issue on peace and security are mired with daunting future, as well.

Albeit the worsening plight of women in war torn areas, only an average of 8 percent are allotted to sit for peace negotiations. In return, the needs, priorities and issues of the sector are put in sideline.

The United Nations' Charter bears primary principles and purposes that uphold and protect international peace and security. The charter gives emphasis on the welfare of civilians, particularly women and children, as they are adversely affected by armed conflicts. They compose the number of displaced persons and some of them were killed in cold blood during arm fighting. Women have incomparable role in peace and security preservation, prevention of hostilities and peace building. The UN charter recognizes these roles of women and upholds it.

Furthermore, the UN charter also reaffirms the necessity to fully implement international human rights and humanitarian law that will protect the well being of women and children in times of conflict and after the conflict. Special needs of women should always be taken into account. In this regard, the Windhoek Declaration and Namibia Plan of Action mainstreams gender perspective in multidimensional peace and security support operations. And in conjunction to the women mainstreaming efforts, peacekeeping personnel were also trained to meet the special needs and protect the human rights of women and children. Peace of mind and security of living are the main concerns in the effort.

The first legal document from the United Nation Security Council was the UNSCR 1325. It was signed on October 31, 2000. It mandated parties in arm conflict to respect the rights of women during the combats. Women are also given the right to participate in peace negotiations and post-conflict resolutions and reconstructions. In this case, an increase women's participation on decision making is uphold. The UNSCR 1325 now reached one decade of existence. This UN Security Council's resolution is truly an exceptional feat or women and a big leap to forward the cause of the sector. As women become the direct victims of the brunt of war and the occurring devastations of a war conflict.

At present, there are growing numbers of supporters of the aforementioned security resolution. Women around the globe, from ordinary housekeepers to court judges and other professionals, are consolidating their efforts to abridge unwanted plights of the sector. The cause is not only to address issues of women in war zones but also the issues of gender equality. The resolution is not just all about women, peace and security, what makes it even remarkable is the recognition of the role of the sector to appease hostilities and take part in peacemaking process.

The question of hope for women in war zones are not anymore put in the bleak horizons. Peace and security will be furthered finely and effectively with women's participation in the process. It is a right, not a privilege!