A City in the Sand- Women in Politics for the Transformation of Haiti: The Story of a Coaching Program for a New Leadership

Monday, December 1, 2008
Nava Almog & Nadine Puechguirbal

Haiti – named “the Pearl of the Antilles” by Christopher Columbus, is a country that has known only
coups d'états, harsh regimes, a precarious economy adversely affecting the majority of the population,
endemic violence, social-political crises, and natural disasters. But Haitian women keep their heads
held high in the midst of this turmoil.

This book tells the story of a group of Haitian women, leaders in their communities, who, with strength
and perseverance in the face of adversity, participated in a training
and Coaching program aimed at strengthening the capacity of women in politics. With eyes wide open,
they advanced in the program, questioned their habits and behaviors,
and came to understand that in order to change their country
they had to begin by transforming themselves . . . and they did it! This book tells the story of a training
program, but it is mostly a story of the courage and will of these Haitian women who represent the true wealth
of their nation.

Document PDF: 

PartPol_Haiti_ Almog & Puechguirbal_2008