GLOBAL REPORT Civil Society Organization (CSO) Survey for the Global Study on Women, Peace and Security CSO Perspectives on UNSCR 1325 Implementation 15 Years after Adoption


This CSO survey for the Global Study on Women, Peace and Security was conducted by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), in partnership with Cordaid, the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) and the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security (NGO WG on WPS), with inputs from UN Women and other members of the UN Inter-agency Standing Committee on Women, Peace and Security. The project was supported by the UN Women and Cordaid. 

The CSO survey was undertaken from February to April 2015 to collect the views, concerns and recommendations of civil society organizations (CSOs). It informs the Global Study, called by UNSCR 2122 to “highlight examples of good practice, implementation gaps and challenges, and priorities for action.”

This report summarizes the findings from the CSO survey in nine core sections: Key Recommendations; CSO Perceptions of UNSCR 1325 Effectiveness and Impact; Factors for Effective Implementation; UNSCR 1325 Effectiveness by Area of Work; Funding and Funding Mechanisms; Collaboration and Cooperation; Emerging Issues, Post- 2015; Global Priorities Moving Forward; CSO Respondent Demographics.