The Asia-Pacific Mediation Forum (APMF) is a not-for-profit regional association of individuals, organisations and institutions interested in promoting peace through mediation and other conflict transformation processes wherever conflicts threaten the well-being of individuals, organisations, communities and local, state or national governments in the region.
The main objective of the APMF is to facilitate the exchange and development of knowledge, values and skills of mediation and other conflict transformation processes, in any form, including inter-cultural, interpersonal, inter-institutional and international, within and between the diverse countries and cultures in the Asia-Pacific region.
To fulfill this objective, conferences/summits are held in the region every two years, with a different country taking responsibility for hosting each conference.
In addition, this interactive website is dedicated to enhancing national, regional and international cooperation, collaboration and networking through the provision of a wide range of information, resources and opportunities in the areas of conflict transformation, dispute resolution and peace building.
For more information, you can visit the Asia Pacific Mediation Forum website: http://www.