Women have voice and power to be agents of change.
Women’s agency, voice and capacities, as well as a real gender perspective are critical to local dialogues, better policies and more equitable peace deals.
We have seen it in Libya, Yemen, Nigeria, Colombia and everywhere else in the world.
The Women, Peace and Security Agenda has a transformative potential. It is a powerful tool for moving from exclusive to democratic decision-making, from gender inequality to gender justice and from conflict and violence to sustainable and feminist peace.
The Agenda is now recognised internationally, but there are still challenges. Patriarchy, inequalities, militarised masculinities and discriminatory power structures inhibit effective conflict prevention, inclusive peace, women’s rights and participation.
To realise a transformative potential of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, it is time to move from verbal commitments to action: Governments, the United Nations, civil society, the private sector and other actors must implement relevant commitments across all thematic areas!
Ensuring a gender perspective and women’s participation, protection and rights is critical, including in prevention and disarmament, protection in displacement settings, peacekeeping, policy-making and reconstruction.
Action is critical to build a sustainable and peaceful world for all of us.