Since the adoption of resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security, mi...


Since the adoption of resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security, missions have been mandated, with significant success, to boost women's participation in electoral and post-conflict processes, to prevent sexual violence, and to increase the presence of female peacekeeping personnel and trained peacekeepers to address gender issues. DPKO has made enormous progress in mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping but we need to strive harder in some of these areas. Evermore, peacekeepers are early peacebuilders. Peacekeeping and peacebuilding are to be implemented within a comprehensive approach, no longer as sequential activities but rather as integrated efforts, with obvious synergies. Peacebuilding efforts, such as DDR, SSR and re-launching of the economy, should be considered from the genesis of a peacekeeping operation and carried out as soon as the situation on the ground permits it, and throughout the cycle of a mission

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform