It is responsibility of the NGOs and political institutions to encourage the projects who want to come to Kashmir and provide psychological support and consultation to women
The Preamble of the Charter of the United Nations states "We the peoples of the United Nations are determined... to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small. Human rights charter states "We the peoples of the United Nations are determined to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights,
in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.All nations are bound to respect and fulfil United Nations charter. Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Unfortunately we have observed that the promises are not properly fulfilled by every nation. Women and children rights are affected and eliminated and violated by government institutions. Although 23 experts on women rights from around the world and committee members of “CEDAW” committee for elimination of discrimination against women and other NGOs like IWPF worked for children peace and women rights. After World War First and 2nd a number of women NGOs were established to support the women and affected families. These organisations shared important experiences and contributions of the war, which was important turning point in history. The effect of the war on women in different countries like Africa, Asia, and Australia is a historical document and a challenge to world society.
The loss of life and killing of men and missing persons was a horrible tragedy which destroyed their family units. The loss of human race and destruction of “happiness” was psychological dimension of war. It had made life bitter and difficult. We observed public debates about women's social Civil, cultural and political roles after the wars. They performed in different sectors of life. We ignored women in war zones who are living tragic life. The only little difference is women involvement had changed the social status of western women. Women of east and Kashmiri women are facing a great challenge and threat of war and responsibility of“ home fires burning” . Women's work in World War of the twentieth century was an important factor in the outcome of both wars.
This involvement changed working lives in many countries. This work experience developed opportunity and confidence among women. Skill base work could give them paid and voluntary jobs and employment, our women's role is totally different. She is paying high price in imposed war. In the absence of men she is job less too. In the First World War, more than 2.2 million women were working.
Women also worked in factories, munitions plants and farms which were the areas of work for men. Automatically were filled by women and thousands of women enlisted as nurses serving in hospitals and as voluntary's, thousands of others joined other jobs at home and there was a great increase in the number of women serving in different fields . When we look to Kashmir a conflict zone volunteers' and NGOs are not allowed to work freely how women can come out of home to get jobs in different fields. As per reports thousands of youth with professional degrees are job less.
Women's experience of war is well documented by Angana chatterji on Kashmir as “half widows” in Kashmir “Women's contribution in imposed war is much greater than men. Their role and activity during this war and the consequences and results of the war is life long. It affected social system and family units and still it is untold story. We can never say every “thing is OK," Almahdi a social activist said once to NGOs, "With one eye you can see, but you cannot have binary vision."
About women rights Ban Ki Moon the Secretary-General pointed to two “landmark” steps in promoting these rights. Firstly, the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action, he said, recognised that women's full participation is crucial to preventing and resolving conflict, as well as maintaining peace. India is a signatory to UN human rights charter and is not only ignoring all legal rights to women but violating all basic human rights. Whether it is woman health or education, home or shelter, or honour and dignity women are the most effectees.
As according to Amnesty international, “that called on Indian authorities to immediately carry out fair and impartial investigations into the allegations of paramilitary CRPF involvement in the murders and sexual assault of the women “Kashmiri women contributed a lot in all aspects of life during this armed conflict, and there is not enough International and intellectual debate on this subject, “their movement has not found much voice beyond the Kashmir valley.”
We also observed the statement by Ban ki Moon at the Global Open Day on Women and Peace and Security held at United Nations Headquarters in New York. “That woman can play a great role in Peacemaking peacekeeping and peace building.” But in conflict zone like Indian administered Kashmir it is difficult to provide a voice to women who are suffering pain from decades, have not still found a little space in UN forum to get encouragement. A Woman is soft target and has often been used as a weapon of war. Women are directly influenced and participated in the directly war but still, their voices and experiences are of little relevance.
Psychological support to women and children is not successfully achieved in absence of international NGOs; lack of financial support from world organisations has increased the poverty level because of absence of international associations and partnership of local NGOs. Killing of youth is another factor of psychological trauma.
Kashmiris women are jobless waiting at home and it is our responsibility to build a public opinion to tolerate women NGOs and volunteers in different parts of country. Women's contribution to war is significant; though the attitudes towards their contribution were typically paternalistic. Human rights are universal.
Organisations of private citizens Nongovernmental organisations may be professional associations, foundations, multinational businesses must come forward to support the children and women who have suffered in this conflict zone, a social partnership with independent organisation is need of hour .
Family support and children's education is a big question for all Psychological problems are tremendously increased according to the local reports, teachers and school children in the areas of armed conflict age of 9 to 15 years old need psychological and rehabilitation support and physical therapy. The lack of psychological rehabilitation clinics and camps for women in Kashmir is very important.
It is responsibility of the NGOs and political institutions to encourage the projects who want to come to Kashmir and provide psychological support and consultation to women. With this purpose to reduce tension in the affected areas and provide access to those who want to plan and organise seminars and discussions from the conflict.
International financial institutions, regional organisations and nongovernmental organisations are ready to help what we heard is different what they can see then perpetrators of violence can be punished The absence of women from negotiations at conflict zone is another reason to advocate women victims. “Studies have indicated that women tend to be more collaborative than men and more inclined to consensus and compromise, according to the Initiative for Inclusive Security. And when husbands and sons are killed or taken to jail or prisoners of war, women are often left with the primary family responsibilities, giving them extra incentive to find peace.”
The IRC is especially committed to the protection of women and girls, providing them with life-saving care, helping them heal, and reconnecting them with safe, healthy and supportive communities. In some 21 war-affected countries around the world, but un fortunately our women organisations are not allowed freely to working in partnership with national and international organisations to make a difference in their lives ISR “is regularly working with women and girls to help them gain the skills, self-assurance and opportunity to speak on their behalf and strengthen their economic, social and decision-making power” but the women of Kashmir is not allowed to travel freely and share her pain and difficulties. This is the story of my nation, the pain of my country and sorrows of my sisters.