Botswana notes with appreciation the recommendations contained in the repor...


Botswana notes with appreciation the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General and finds them to be a useful framework for guiding the actions of concerned parties in addressing the core challenges, which are: compliance with international law by parties to a conflict, the protection role of United Nations peacekeeping missions, humanitarian access, and accountability for violations of international law. Botswana believes that those recommendations should be assessed with a view to arriving at improved practical solutions for the work of the Council as well as peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. We are pleased, Mr. President, that you have convened this open debate on a subject which, due to the protracted nature of many conflicts, may very easily receive reduced attention over time. It is very important that the ideas generated during today's debate be allowed to feed into the reassessment of practices in the areas stipulated, and I wish to assure you of my delegation's continued interest and full support in that regard.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights