In that context, my delegation welcomes the various initiatives and actions undertaken by Member States, United Nations entities, including UN-Women, civil society organizations and other relevant actors that are focused on supporting and increasing the representation of women in peace negotiations and mainstreaming gender perspectives into peace agreements. In recognition of that crucial element, in October 2011 the Malaysian Ministry of Defence and the United Nations Development Programme jointly organized a seminar on promoting peace through mainstreaming the gender perspective in peacekeeping operations. For Malaysia, a country firmly committed to contributing peacekeeping troops to United Nations missions, that seminar on gender and peacekeeping represents our commitment to supporting both the global agenda for gender and peacekeeping as well as policies that support women's development. Additionally, in September, Malaysia, along with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, will jointly host a regional seminar on child protection at the Malaysian Peacekeeping Training Centre in Port Dickson. The seminar, which will include participation by 30 Member States in the Asian region, will officially validate the training module for civilian and military personnel on peacekeeping missions dealing with the protection of children involved in armed conflict.