The current report highlights several emerging concerns, including sexual vio...


The current report highlights several emerging concerns, including sexual violence against men and boys, particularly in the context of detention, as well as the plight of children born out of rape, sexual slavery and forced marriages by armed groups, as has been documented in countries such as Mali, the Central African Republic, Somalia and others. We also take note of the parties named in the report, which includes the following significant additions: the Syrian Government forces and their allied militia, the Shabbiha; the Séléka rebels in the Central African Republic; and several armed groups in Mali. Additions to the existing listings for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, such as the Police nationale congolaise, the Mouvement du 23 Mars and several more Mai-Mai groups in the Kivus, have also been noted.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence