Saturday, August 28, 2010
Central Africa
Congo (Kinshasa)
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes:
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
A grand march to protest against violence committed on women will be organized this coming October in Bukavu, the main town of South-Kivu province in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo).
"These activities of women trade unions have already begun in several countries in the world and will culminate in Bukavu," said Amedee Ndongala who is the secretary general of external affairs of the Congolese National Workers Union (UNTC).
The activities will essentially center on speaking against rape and other forms of violence that have been committed against women for several decades in the eastern parts of DR Congo.
A delegation of three trade unions is stationed in Bukavu in view of preparing for this event.
The officials of these three trade unions which are part of the International Confederation of trade Unions made contacts with the local and provincial authorities in order to get the support of local unions, civil society groups and other partners involved in the fight against violence on women.