The Center for Women's Global Leadership, the Global Fund for Women, and Ipas would like to invite you join us for “A Feminist Dialogue on Militarism and Military Intervention,” on Monday, November 29th from 4:00-6:00PM at the Church Center for the United Nations (777 UN Plaza, New York, NY). As part of the international 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign running from November 25-December 10, this panel discussion has been organized to explore aspects of the international campaign theme on the intersections of militarism and violence against women. Our five panelists include:
Yanar Mohammed - President of Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq, and founder of Al Mousawat Radio (Equality) and newspaper in Baghdad (Iraq)
Yifat Susskind - Policy & Communications Director at MADRE and formerly part of a joint Israeli-Palestinian human rights organization in Jerusalem
Ann Wright - Retired US Army Colonel, former US diplomat who reopened the US Embassy in Afghanistan in 2001 and who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war, and now peace activist
Cynthia Enloe - prolific research professor at Clark University whose research and teachings focus on issues of militarism and its effect on women's lives
Esther Hyneman - Board Member of Women for Afghan Women and retired professor of Literature, Women's Studies & Gender Studies at Long Island University (Brooklyn Campus)
This dynamic discussion will be followed by a candlelight vigil outside in Dag Hammarskjold Park (47th St. between 1st and 2nd Ave) at 6:30PM. This vigil is part of the Global Day of Action Against Militarism & Violence Against Women, which will be commemorated by 16 Days Campaign participants around the world. Our vigil is one of many that will take place in a show of global solidarity. November 29th also marks Women Human Rights Defenders Day.
Both of these events are free and open to the public, so please help us to publicize them! Attached are the event flyer and brief biographies for the speakers. For more information about the 16 Days Campaign and the Global Day of Action, please visit or contact