The gender perspective in peacekeeping must be dovetailed with a comprehensiv...


The gender perspective in peacekeeping must be dovetailed with a comprehensive peacebuilding endeavour, factoring in particular requirements of women in post-conflict zone. For long-term peace, economic recovery and social cohesion, women's access to health, education and entrepreneurship is essential. In this context, the Secretary General's report on women's participation in peacebuilding (S/2010/466) candidly puts forth a seven-point action plan. Women's participation in the mediation and policy formulation of various peacebuilding efforts targeted at particular requirements for women can be a force multiplier. However, such action plans should run in harmony with overall peacebuilding strategies, with due regard to broad institutional contexts and strict professionalism.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding