The Government has also taken measures at the institutional, political and le...


The Government has also taken measures at the institutional, political and legal levels to ensure the plan's implementation, including an amendment to the penal code extending the legal definition of rape, making it a non-bailable offence, and increasing its penalty to life imprisonment. We have also established a criminal court to specifically adjudicate sexual offence cases, and established a sex crimes unit at the Ministry of Justice to prosecute sexual offence cases. In addition, and among others, a national commission on disabilities has been established and a national gender policy has been launched and is being implemented. We also have undertaken the training of border security officials in handling gender-based violence issues, including sexual exploitation and abuse, and the development and current implementation of a national gender- based violence plan of action to prevent and respond to gender-based violence issues. Presently, the action plan is under review to ensure that those emerging issues are captured.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding