However, the overall result remains mixed. We can only share the Secretary-Ge...


However, the overall result remains mixed. We can only share the Secretary-General's disappointment at the weak representation of women in peace talks, at the structural problems that limit women's participation in political life, and at the resurgence of violence against women. The figures concerning women's participation in politics in the broadest sense — of which conflict prevention and peacebuilding are but an extension — speak for themselves. Among the delegations involved in 14 peace processes in 2011, only four benefited from women's participation. During the same year, out of the nine peace accords that were signed, only two contained specific provisions on women and peace and security. The situation regarding political representation is no more encouraging. Women still represent only 20 per cent of members of Parliament, and only slightly more at the ministerial level. This is hardly sufficient.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence