The ICC is, however, not only about punishing perpetrators, but also about em...


The ICC is, however, not only about punishing perpetrators, but also about empowering victims of atrocity crimes. The Court is committed to ensuring victims a participatory role in its proceedings, and the Rome Statute contains a relatively broad reparations provision. The Trust Fund for Victims established under the Rome Statute has been doing important work in countries where the court is conducting investigations to alleviate the suffering of victims. Among other activities, it is providing assistance to the victims of rape and to children born as a result of rape. In replenishing the Fund, Estonia has paid special attention to the needs of victims of sexual violence, who are very often stigmatized by their own communities. The trust fund is dependent on voluntary donations in order to effectively fulfil its mandate, and Estonia welcomes voluntary donations to the Fund.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence