Wednesday, April 18, 2012
South Eastern Asia
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes:
General Women, Peace and Security
The Indonesia National Dialogue with CSOs on National Action Plan P4K, organized by UNDP under the N-Peace initiative, 18-19 April 2012, begins today in Bali, Indonesia.
Proposed by UNDP in collaboration with Ministry of Women's Empowerment (MoWE), Search For Common Ground (SFCG) and key N-Peace network members, the national level dialogue on the NAP P4K will involve CSO groups from post-conflict and conflict-prone areas, with the aim to enhance CSO and government interaction on the NAP P4K, to increase awareness about the NAP and other related policies, as well as develop a communications and outreach plan to continue socialization on the NAP P4K.
Click here to view the agenda.
In preparation for the Indonesia National Dialogue with CSOs on National Action Plan P4K , and to facilitate cross-country learning, N-Peace Network members were invited to share inputs and lessons learnt on strategies for NAP implementation. Specifically members were asked to i) recommend mechanisms for NAP implementation that promote accountability and civil society engagement and ii) recommended advocacy strategies for the implementation of the NAP.
Network members from Nepal, the Philippines and Indonesia contributed to the current collation of inputs.
Click here to read the N-Peace members' recommendations on NAP implementation.
So to encourage ongoing knowledge sharing, this synthesis document will continue to be updated as further lessons learnt emerge from country contexts to be shared amongst the regional network.