Major General Patrick Cammaert, the former Commander of United Nations peace...


Major General Patrick Cammaert, the former Commander of United Nations peacekeeping forces in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo said:
“Rape is an extremely cheap weapon, but has vast and far-reaching effects. With the single weapon of rape, soldiers and militants can disrupt and destroy the fabric of society. Rape sows fear; it spreads sexually transmitted disease. It excludes women from participation in civic life.”

In the year since the Security Council adopted resolution 1960 (2010), the instances of sexual violence have only increased. We must act with common purpose in the face of these atrocities. We must have zero tolerance for the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war. Israel was a proud to sponsor of resolution 1960 (2010) and the previous resolutions on women and peace and security. It is time for the international community to breathe life into the words contained in these resolutions with concrete actions on the ground.

The Secretary-General's report (S/2012/33) offers clear guidance on important steps that the international community must take. For instance, operationally, those listed in the annex of these reports should face additional measures from the Security Council sanctions committees. Israel also strongly supports the recommendation to include provisions for conflictrelated sexual violence in ceasefire and peace agreements.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security