My delegation welcomes the holding of this meeting under your presidency Madam, devoted to sexual violence in armed conflict. We also welcome the participation in this debate of His Excellency Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, whom we thank for his introduction of his report (S/2010/604) on the follow-up to the implementation of resolutions 1820 (2008) and 1888 (2009). We reiterate to him Gabon's full support in the fight he has carried out since 2008 as part of the UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign, along with the participation of all the partners involved in this cause. We also thank Ms. Margot Wallström, Mr. Alain Le Roy and Lieutenant General Babacar Gaye for their respective briefings. I would like here to reiterate to Ms. Wallström Gabon's strong support in her work.