This past year, as we've heard, women were included in every formal peace negotiating process led or co- led by the UN. Gender experts were present in eighty-five percent of delegations and, in each case, representatives of women's civil society groups were consulted. Women are playing a more prominent role in crisis prevention, most notably in Darfur and the Great Lakes Region. Since 2009, gender crimes investigators have been a part of all UN commissions of inquiry. And again as was said, this year 3 out of 10 peace agreements in UN supported processes included provisions for women's political participation or protection. That is more than the year before. Analysis of women and security is now included in most reports by peacekeeping and special political missions. And the Secretary General has established – and my government and other governments vigorously support – the policy of zero tolerance toward sexual- related abuses committed by UN personnel, something that still happens with alarming incidence.