The prevention of sexual violence in armed conflict and punishing perpetrator...


The prevention of sexual violence in armed conflict and punishing perpetrators should be considered in the context of the whole series of problems associated with conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction. That is the balanced approach laid out in resolution 1325 (2000), and it is on that basis that the work to eliminate sexual violence should be based. An important prerequisite for overcoming violence against women is the full participation of women themselves in peace talks and post-conflict reconstruction. The Council should consider the issue of women and peace and security in the context of armed conflict and post-conflict situations. The focus of the Council's attention should be on the most urgent and large-scale armed conflicts and situations of massive and systematic rape and violence. Individual cases of sexual violence, which are criminal acts and not war crimes, should not become the subject of consideration by the Security Council.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence