Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti S/2012/128

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Report Analysis: 

• Covering a wide range of events, including political developments (such as the resignation of PM Conille) and developments in the areas of human rights, security, and MINUSTAH’s work on the ground, the report attends to WPS issues most frequently in the context of SGBV as well as in regard to other WPS issues, including political participation and women’s engagement in institutions/justice processes/etc.

• Women, Peace and Security concerns are most heavily reported on in regards to SGBV incidence and camp safety.

• The Secretary-General details efforts to set up centers with the HNP for SGBV survivors (para 28), training for justices and police officers on investigative techniques on SGBV (para 37), and training HNP officers on SGBV who then trained further staff (para 28). The SG also notes that the decreased reports of rape during this period may be because of a decline in reporting as opposed to a decline in incidence (para 10), and that, of 62 cases registered in four HNP stations in Port-Au-Prince, zero went to trial (para 29). Thus, he explains, it is hard to gauge whether or not SGBV will be seriously addressed in the future or if such programs have any positive impact.

• The political participation of women is mentioned in the report in the context of programs initiated by MINUSTAH in collaboration with local authorities and organizations to promote women’s participation in leadership positions, and in the context of a quick-impact project developed by MINUSTAH with the women’s parliamentary caucus. These programs seek to promote women’s participation and to identify strategies to ensure at least 30% women’s participation in public office (para 41).

Analysis provided by the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, of which WILPF is a member.

Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
Covering the period from August 2011 to February 2012, the report is a semi-annual update on MINUSTAH.