To take just one example: the OSCE promotes gender balance in its work with j...


To take just one example: the OSCE promotes gender balance in its work with judicial personnel because we believe that diversity has a positive impact on women's access to justice and the perceived legitimacy of the judiciary. From a substantive perspective our Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina supports the integration of a gender perspective into war crimes trial monitoring by providing specific training for civil society on how to monitor conflict-related sexual violence cases and understand the specific challenges that witnesses and victims face in these processes. Trial monitors are then better prepared to gather data on how these cases progress through the judicial system and to advocate for policy improvements based on the data. This is one step in ensuring that justice and accountability is equally pursued for all violations and crimes, regardless of their nature or the sex of the victim.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform