There is no doubt that the numerous resolutions and presidential statements t...


There is no doubt that the numerous resolutions and presidential statements that have been adopted by the Security Council constitute a major step towards protecting women and promoting their rights. However, it is not enough merely to adopt resolutions and statements; they must be implemented. That requires coordination and cooperation between the relevant bodies of the United Nations, civil society institutions, task forces of specialized agencies. Regional organizations and relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations to empower women in peacekeeping, peacebuilding, humanitarian and development processes. That will make an effective contribution to States and to their implementation of legislation and activities to prevent gender-based violence and create an environment conducive to accountability and reporting on women's status. It is a source of concern that the promotion of the rights of women and gender equality is often not considered a priority in the aftermath of conflict. It is for that reason that we have emphasized the importance of women's development and empowerment on the national level and in all areas of life.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Conflict Prevention
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence