We must do better on matters relating to paternity. In situ courts martial fo...


We must do better on matters relating to paternity. In situ courts martial for military offenders must be the rule, and not the exception, for sexual offenses. And we must consider again the proposal that all United Nations personnel destined for field service submit a sample of their DNA to the United Nations before they deploy, both to serve as a deterrent to the commission of crimes and for the sake of possible subsequent investigations, including establishing paternity. Finally, we, the Member States, need to report to the United Nations clearly and at the earliest possible time what judicial steps were undertaken by our authorities with respect to alleged crimes. If we are serious about confronting the odious phenomenon of conflict-related sexual violence generally, and we are not to be hypocrites, we must think about these issues more seriously.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence