While SADC acknowledges that women and civil society organizations have been ...


While SADC acknowledges that women and civil society organizations have been the driving
force behind our efforts and achievements, we are committed to continue to strengthen efforts to
address the challenges of peace and security for women. We therefore welcome the seriousness
with which the Security Council continues to address the question. In that connection, SADC
believes that there is a need for women's increased representation and participation at all levels,
particularly in peacekeeping and peacebuilding and within United Nations field-based operations.
Recommendations by the Security Council — such as to provide gender-sensitive training,
establish gender components in peacekeeping operations, deploy more women peacekeepers and
appoint more women as special representatives and special envoys of the Secretary-General —
should be implemented. SADC urges the Secretary-General to strengthen his efforts to identify
suitable female candidates for senior positions, including in the military and police services. In
addition, Member States should nominate women candidates for inclusion in a regularly updated
centralized roster, as called for by resolution 1325 (2000).

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security