The widespread or systematic use of violence against women in armed conflicts is a security issue, as well as, of course, a human rights issue. It affects a whole society, significantly exacerbates situations of armed conflict and may impede the restoration of international peace and security. As has recently been reaffinned by the Council in PRST/201O/20, the Peacebuilding Commission plays an important role in promoting and supporting an integrated and coherent approach to peacebuilding, including women's participation. Women playa pivotal role in the economic recovery of post-conflict countries. The PBC has committed to working on this issue as part of its broader efforts to promote and address women's post-conflict needs. But this fact must also be recognized at a political level, namely by increasing women's participation in political posts, whether appointed or elected, by systematically ensuring the full and equal involvement of women in peace negotiations and by taking into account women's needs in peace agreements. Furthennore, education is a fundamental requirement for the elimination of violence against women in armed conflict, and in this respect, civil society
has a key role to play in the peacemaking and peacebuilding process.