By Marina Kumskova and Alexandra Rojas
Joy Onyesoh of WILPF speaks at a NAP zonal consultation for the southeastern region of Nigeria. (Photo Credit: WILPF-Nigeria)
Nigeria launched its second National Action Plan for the period of 2017 and 2020 on 9 May 2017. In an inclusive and participatory process, in which WILPF-Nigeria, who led the action to create a Women’s Situation Room in Nigeria, actively participated, the NAP was developed to incorporate emerging issues (i.e.: violent extremism and other post-conflict and reintegration issues). The NAP also addressed the gaps identified in the first NAP (i.e. absence of crisis management and recovery strategies and inadequate monitoring and evaluation architecture).
A comprehensive and inclusive review of the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda at the national level is another important step for Nigeria. The second NAP was developed in the process of rigorous, robust and inclusive zonal consultations in all political zones of Nigeria, including the southeastern region of Nigeria represented by WILPF-Nigeria’s President, Joy Onyesoh. The findings from these consultations were consolidated and addressed in the updated NAP, and the NAP’s validation process was also carried out. WILPF-Nigeria highlighted that the reviewed NAP is robust and detailed with clear implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategies, and reporting pathways.
See WILPF’s analysis of Nigeria's updated National Action Plan here>>