Our Monitoring of National Action Plans

As of September 2021, our analysis shows that 98 member states (51%) have adopted at least one National Action Plan (NAP) to implement the Women, Peace and Security agenda.


NAPs at a glance

  • 98 Member States have adopted a NAP
  • 36% of NAPs have an allocated budget
  • 32% of NAPs have specific actions towards disarmament
  • Around a third of NAPs (33%) are outdated
  • 72% of NAPs indicate some level of civil society participation


Our work

We have been monitoring the development of NAPs for many years, and publish breakdowns of each NAP on our dedicated monitoring site. On this site, we also feature the work of WILPF members who are advocating for, developing, implementing, and monitoring NAPs in their own countries.



Recent examples of NAPs analyzed include Palestine, Sudan, Uganda, Lithuania and Japan.  See our NAP database for our analysis. If you know of a NAP that is not available on our site, please contact us at peacewomen@wilpf.org
