Congratulations to Reaching Critical Will on their new website! In addition to revamping the overall look and feel of the site and making it more user friendly, a new feature has been added that allows users to search through a database of statements and resolutions from all the disarmament fora RCW covers by country, date, topic, and fora. We hope this tool will be useful for NGOs, UN Secretariat, diplomats, and researchers.
Reaching Critical Will has coordinated and edited a new study on the modernization plans and programmes of eight of the nuclear-armed states. This study, Assuring destruction forever; nuclear weapon modernization around the world, is available for download in PDF on the RCW website. Reaching Critical Will hopes that WILPF Sections and members will be able to use this study for education and advocacy purposes. We encourage WILPFers to circulate this report to their networks, to discuss it in their meetings, and to consider asking for meetings with their government representatives to discuss the content. The complete report can be found online, along with the executive summary and introduction.