Women's Power to Stop War: 100 to the 100th

Written by Madhuri Sastry

2015 is here, which means we are quickly approaching our centennial celebrations! On January 18th, WILPF is marking the 100th day before our 100th anniversary.

There are many ways that you can get involved: Sign the pledge, watch a WSW Webinar Series, book a marketplace booth, or become a part of our 100 for 100th photo series!

Head over to www.womenstopwar.org for all the information and details.

Don't forget to register for the Anniversary Conference, kicking off in the Hague on the 28th of April. If you register on the 18th of January, you can get a 100 Euro discount! But hurry because the discount is available on the 18th only! This day will also reveal the winners of the WSW Poster Competition, so stay tuned.

We look forward to seeing you in the Hague!