Statement of Estonia at the UNGA72 


Gender Equality: “One of the most prominent guarantees for empathic. Inclusive development, for democracy and the rule of law is to mainstream gender equality into all areas of life. It is proven that equitable treatment of women and men has a multiplier effect in eradicating poverty. Estonian welfare development plan for 2016-2023 covers policy areas from employment and social inclusion to equal opportunities in applying one's talent in all walks of life. Our goal is balanced participation of women and men in all levels of decision-making and management - both in public and private sectors.”

Women’s Participation: “It is important not to forget about gender balance In conflict situations either. Engagement of women already in the early stages of prevention, resolving crises, and building peace reduces the probability of relapses to violent conflict. Therefore, we need to encourage women's participation in peace processes and acknowledge them as actors of change with great potential. And we must never tire in implementing UN Security Council resolution 1325 and related resolutions on women, peace and security on every level. The adoption of the Peace Building Commission's gender strategy last year is a worthy milepost on this road.”

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: “For women to fully enjoy their role in the society it is crucial to eliminate gender based violence. We should ensure that survivors are treated with dignity and that the perpetrators are held accountable for their crimes. Estonia continues to support actions addressing gender based violence and reproductive health needs of most vulnerable women and adolescent girls, for example via UNFRA in Ukraine 2017, and by supporting #shedecides initiative.”

Peacebuilding: “There are too many states in the world which suffer from unresolved conflicts. These are states which could take care of their own population and contribute at the global scene, if we were quicker to manage the conflicts which are holding them back or, worse, threatening to tear them apart.”

Syria: “The world has lost half a million people in Syria. Estonia supports the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism, established in December 2016, to assist in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the most serious crimes under international law committed in the Syrian Arab Republic since March 2011.”

Yemen/Nigeria: “We cannot overlook the escalating sufferings of the people of Yemen or ignore the fate of the Rohingya people. We need to put more effort into humanitarian action to tackle hunger, diseases and epidemics looming in the country. Our common efforts in fighting famine and hunger are also crucial in South-Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria.”

Multilateralism: “We welcome the emphasis on conflict prevention and peacebuilding, creating societies resilient to vulnerabilities.”


PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Conflict Prevention
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding