Statement of the United Kingdom at the UNGA72


Conflict prevention: “So in the year ahead as well as agreeing the principles of these compacts we must ensure they can be applied in practice.”

Gender-based violence: “ This year is the tenth anniversary of the death of the woman who introduced me to my husband, and who was known well to many of us in this United Nations. Benazir Bhutto was brutally murdered by people who actively rejected the values that all of us here in this United Nations stand for. In a country that has suffered more than most at the hands of terrorists. Murdered for standing up for democracy, murdered for espousing tolerance, and murdered for being a woman.”

Conflict prevention: “And that is why today, as I talk about UN reform, I ask the Secretary General to make this fight against terrorists and the ideologies that drive them a core part of his agenda, at the heart of our development, peace building, and conflict prevention work.”

Ukraine, Palestine: “So when countries back groups like Hezbollah to increase instability and conflict across the Middle East, support so-called separatists in Ukraine to create instability on Europe’s eastern borders, or give tacit support to criminal groups launching cyber-attacks against our countries and institutions, they call into question the very rules and international systems that protect us.”

Syria: “Clearly responsibility for the chaos and tragedy that we see in Syria lies firmly at the door of Asaad.”

Syria: “One country in particular has used its veto as many times in the last five years as in the whole of the second half of the Cold War. And in so doing, they have prevented action against a despicable regime that has murdered its own people with chemical weapons. As a result, in Syria, the United Nations has been blocked.”

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Conflict Prevention
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence