Statement of Slovenia at the UNGA72


Quotes/References to disarmament:


Non-proliferation/Disarmament: “As a strong supporter of non-proliferation and disarmament in the field of weapons of mass destruction, Slovenia is committed to treaty-based nuclear disarmament and arms control.”


Disarmament: “We are of firm belief that we have to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons progressively through the full implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT).”


Quotes/References to WPS:


SDGs: “Two years ago we achieved a milestone in agreeing on our development roadmap. Together, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Paris Agreement provide a framework and a vision for a more sustainable future of our planet and prosperity for all.”


Gender equality/Women and empowerment: “Our main focus is given to the rights of children, to the support of gender equality and the empowerment of women as well as to the rights of older persons and in this context also the importance of the intergenerational collaboration.”


Gender-based violence: “More must also be done to mitigate harm to civilians, especially in the
context of armed conflicts, and to prevent ail forms of sexual violence.”


Gender-based violence: “We therefore underline the need for a zero tolerance policy on all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse.”


Syria, Libya, Yemen, the DRC : “Years and years of horrific war in Syria, conflicts in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Mali, and dire situations like those in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, to name just a few, continue to represent particular sources of concern.”


Sustainable Peace: “We must intensify our efforts to sustain peace everywhere, but most immediately in a wide range of fragile and conflict affected states.”

Conflict Prevention: “The UN can help to defuse latent conflicts. Whenever possible we should opt for diplomacy, mediation and conflict prevention.”

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence