Security Council Resolution 2436: Preamble

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence


Expressing deep concern about the serious and continuous allegations and underreporting of sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations peacekeepers and non-United Nations forces authorized under a Security Council mandate, including military, civilian and police personnel, and underscoring that sexual exploitation and abuse, among other crimes and forms of serious misconduct, by any such personnel is unacceptable, and commending the troop- and police-contributing countries that have taken steps to prevent, investigate and hold accountable their personnel for acts of sexual exploitation and abuse,

Recalling its resolution 2242 (2015), recognizing the indispensable role of women in United Nations peacekeeping and welcoming efforts to incentivise greater numbers of women in military, police and civilians deployed in United Nations peacekeeping operations, and noting the importance of increasing the number of women in leadership, and of ensuring that the needs and participation of women are integrated in all stages of mission planning and implementation through the inclusion of appropriate gender technical expertise,
