Statement of FINLAND at UNGA73

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Peace Processes
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
United Nation Theme: 
Goverment Statements

Participation: “Peace and security, human rights and development are not sustainable without the participation of women and the youth. Female voices and young voices must be heard - and acted upon.”


Peace Processes: “The needs of women, children and youth are still all too often marginalized in peace talks. Finland promotes the role of women's effective participation in peace processes through the Nordic network of women mediators. This and other similar networks provide a useful platform for advocacy and self-education.”


SGBV: “In order for the United Nations to be credible, it has to practice what it preaches. For any organisation, every single case of sexual exploitation in its own ranks is a case too much.This is particularly true for an organisation stressing the importance of equality and human rights. I am proud to be a member of the Circle of Leadership and I welcome the efforts taken to prevent and combat ail forms of abuse throughout the UN system.”

General WPS: “Finland appeals to all Member States and the Secretary-General to consistently keep human rights, non-discrimination and gender equality on top of the agenda of the UN.”

Document PDF: 

Statement of FINLAND at UNGA73