The Gender Index examines the statements delivered by the representatives of Member States and delegations with an observer status, as well as the President of the UN General Assembly and the UN Secretary-General, during the General Debate of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA73) from a feminist perspective based on human rights, disarmament and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. It includes all references made by the UNGA73 delegations to specific WILPF PeaceWomen themes[1], women’s rights and experiences, as well as references to conflict prevention, transformation of the multilateral system and addressing structural barriers to women’s engagement, including patriarchal gendered norms and economic inequality. It also provides a gender-specific assessment of the references to specific country situations in Colombia, Syria, Nigeria, Iraq, Palestine, Cameroon, Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya and Bosnia and Herzegovina and determines the number of female speakers.
[1] Peacewomen Themes, Available: