We must also note a deterioration in the situation of human rights in the world. This is true when it comes to [...] generalised sexual violence, notably increasingly committed by non-state actors.
Human rights have different aspects: civil and political rights, economic and social rights, [...] but also [..] sexual and reproductive rights. We regret that the latter are too often undermined not only in their principles but also in their implementation including through the programs and projects of the United Nations so to offer women and girls control of their destiny and access to family planning.
In this context, my country has pledged financial support to programmes by UNDP and UN Women, as well as to the initiative “Girls not Brides”, with 600,000 and 400,000, respectively, as well as to a project by UNICEF/UNDP for the elimination of FGM.
The situation in the Middle East and as well as [...] in Libya is less cause for optimism. The stalemate of the peace process between Israel and Palestine remains total and the context has worsened since our last General Assembly meeting. We will not cease to remind that the principles of international law have to form the base of peace.
The explosive situation in Libya is the result of tensions that are specific to the tribal structure of Libya, but also the fact that the country serves as a breeding ground for the tensions of the Sahelian world and the Arab-Muslim world.
The war in Syria has caused an immense humanitarian crisis. It has cost countless lives.
The humanitarian drama in Yemen, made up of destruction, of displacement, of hunger and cholera.