This is a piece compiling recommendations on the security of rural women in Colombia, written by Diana García, Angela Bütler, Juliana Gutiérrez, Juliana Suescún, Rosa Emilia Salamanca, Jeimi Aguilera Daniel de Torres, and Cristina Hoyos. The publication was supported by iASE, DCAF and the Norwegian Embassy.
The focus is on the security of rural women in Colombia, expressly on a series of feedback sessions with the same women who participated in the consultations where we contextualized their feedbacks on security, fear and trust, potential actions to advocate for the creation of safe environments, and future perspectives for collective and individual initiatives for advocacy of the right to security and to a life free from violence. Those spaces and the drafting of the recommendations would not have been possible without the support and commitment of the local liaisons, women leaders as well as local organizations and networks. The piece concludes on page fourteen with a series of comprehensive recommendations made to the international community.
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