The World YWCA and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) met with the United Nations CEDAW Committee in January to discuss recommendations for a stronger link between the CEDAW reporting process, human rights and the peace and security agenda. Both organizations called for promotion of women's roles in implementation of the three pillars of UNSCR 1325: prevention, protection, and participation.
Specific recommendations made to the CEDAW Committee included:
- That CEDAW monitoring mechanisms integrate a stronger and more rigorous approach to women's rights promotion, protection and fulfillment in situations of conflict and post conflict.
- That CEDAW monitoring and reporting processes have a stronger role in advancing sexual and reproductive health rights and HIV as critical issues related to the discrimination against women, and to monitor how budgets are allocated to these issues, particularly in conflict and post conflict situations.
- To continue to strengthen collaboration and partnership with civil society organisations, and especially women's rights organisations, in exploring approaches and methodologies for a stronger link between CEDAW, Peace and Security mechanisms and HIV.
To learn more details about the meeting, click here.