Dozens of women were arrested en masse in Urfa during their march against gender-based violence and for the protection of women's rights.Women marchers had begun in Hakkari and were headed for Ankara, where they would meet up with the rest of their compatriots from Diyarbakır. Those in Hakkari had marched since Tuesday.
Women will arrive at Ankara on November 12 to present their report on the condition of women in Turkey to the Prime Minister and other authorities.
The march is organized by Human Rights Association (IHD), Confederation of Civil Servant Trade Unions (KESK) and Women Initiative for Peace to raise awareness on the murder, rape, sexual harassment and molestation of women, an increasingly common pattern throughout the country.
“We are Marching for Peace and to Fight against the Exploitation of our Identity, Body and Labor,” “Do not Harm my Body, Identity and Labor” and “Promote Women's Organized Struggle, Make our Voice Heard and Existence Visible” are the slogans the marchers cheer.
According to the Justice Ministry, 953 women were killed in the first 7 months in 2009, though this number was 236 for the same period in 2010.
Participants will join the march from such cities as Bursa, Yalova, Eskişehir, Van, Bitlis, Siirt, Batman, Diyarbakır, Urfa, Adıyaman and Kırşehir on their way to Ankara.