PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Bougainville Women's NGO Supports Possible Return of Peacekeepers

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Radio New Zealand International
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding

The head of a Bougainville women's NGO says it supports a possible return of peace monitors to the autonomous Papua New Guinea province.

Bougainville's president John Momis says it may be necessary to bring back the United Nations peace keepers if violence and lawlessness are not brought under control in the south of the main island.

Leitana Nehan Development Agency's Helen Hakena says in Torokina guns from the Second World War are being dug up and used for inter-factional fighting.

“We really would like the UN to come as a peacekeeping body to come and remove all guns on Bougainville so there would be total peace across Bougainville because we are entering peace in north Bougainville and south Bougainville there is chaos down there.

There is no trust, there is instability, there is insecurity there.”

Helen Hakena is calling on all of Bougainville's civil society organisations to speak out clearly against the killings and violence taking place in the province.