IRAN: Mullahs' Regime Intensifies Suppressive Measures Against Iranian Women

Friday, June 10, 2011
Western Asia
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security

The commander of the regime's suppressive police force spoke about intensifying actions against what he called “mal-dressing” by women, state-run ISNA news agency reported on Thursday. Ahmadi Moghaddam said the plan to intensify dealing with “anomalies” will “start on June 15 throughout the country.”

Referring to “comprehensive plans” designed for confronting Iranian women, displaying regime's fear of resistance by the heroic women of Iran vis-à-vis regime's suppressive measures, Ahmadi Moghaddam said: “If desired results are not achieved in fighting maldressing, we will intensify our actions,” ISNA reported.

He also spoke about a new repressive force called cyber-police which will be established in all provincial capitals for spying on Internet communications, and pretended that this new suppressive measure was progress, and added: “In tandem with social progress, the police force plans to bring itself up to date.”