Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women is a global call for action, launched in November 2009, on ending violence against women and girls. It is presented by UNIFEM as a contribution to advance the objectives of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women through social mobilization. UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman is the Spokesperson of Say NO.
Join us with thousands of other organizations who have responded to the call! Share your actions, ideas, and campaigns with organizations across the globe with the same goal to eradicate violence against women!
Here's how Say NO can work for you:
Say NO is a global communications campaign that counts and showcases actions on ending violence against women through an interactive online platform. It contributes directly towards the UN Secretary-General's campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women and it is a vehicle for partners like you, to showcase your own initiatives to a global network, thus linking local and global advocacy on the issue. The Say NO team drives further visibility to your actions and initiatives by featuring them on news, newsletters, action alerts send to a large global constituency, as well as through online and social media outreach.
To become a partner, please create your user profile. As soon as we activate your account, you will be able to log back in and create “action pages” – web pages where you can report on your initiatives, solicit virtual participation from a global audience, or use the page for soliciting signatures to a petition or RSVP to an even that you are organizing, in the context of ending violence against women and girls. The website will give you easy templates that you can fill in to create these action pages. Please refer to this document for tips on how to use the website: Your action pages are your web space to showcase your work, and you can type in any language, although the website exists in English, French and Spanish. Even if internet may not be the most popular medium in your local context, the stories about your work and activism reaches a global audience through Say NO!
For action ideas, please see:
Take a look at some of the action pages on the website to see how others are using Say NO:Action Page
Action Page.