Women's Initiative for Peace in South Asia (WIPSA) visited Jammu and Kashmir from 24th June to 3rd July 2000. The purpose of the visit was to support the creation of women's intervention for peace in the region. At Jammu they were welcomed by the local organization Akhil Bharat Rachmnatmak Samaj which expressed their solidarity with the mission. Together they organized a rally for peace from the station to the center of the city. Also, WIPSA established a new chapter of WIPSA in Jammu. Continuing with the Journey in Quest of Peace, they visited Srinagar, where they met with members of the Kul Hind Tamiri Ma`ashra (Akhil Bharat Rachnatamak Samaj), men and women dedicated to building a constructive and just society in Kashmir. They attended a seminar organized by Kashmir Welfare Centre, a voluntary body, on the “Role of' NGO's in the present scenario” and visited victims of violence. For more information contact the Women's Initiative for Peace in South Asia