Year 2010 marks the 10th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution (SCR) 1325 on women, peace and security. Building on the commitments of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the resolution acknowledged for the first time the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace building, and the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security. As part of the commemoration of the UNSCR 1325, a High level Consultation was held in Geneva, Switzerland from September 15 – 16, 2010. Miss Selay Ghaffar, Executive Director of HAWCA, was one of the speakers in the seminar organized by the European Union and Belgium Government. The EU and Belgium Government are organizing three events, respectively in Brussels, Geneva and New York, structured around the three main pillars of Resolution 1325: participation, protection and prevention.
The three events are designed to complement each other, shedding light on issues of implementation of resolution 1325 and will include various stakeholders such as governments, the United Nations, academia and non-governmental organizations.
The final outcome of these events will be a set of recommendations that will constitute the EU contribution to the UN high level ministerial debate organized by the Security Council in New York in October.
The European Union Joint team in Geneva organized its event structured around the protection pillar of UNSCR 1325 in collaboration with UN agencies and NGOs. This consultation brought together representatives from Member States, UN organizations and NGOs, humanitarian, human rights and security domains to discuss at different level good practices and what has learned from its implementation.
The event was comprised of the following panels:
EU Contribution to the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325/2000: Lessons Learned from Central Africa and Great Lake Region
This panel explored the role of the EU in relation to resolution 1325 and what practical measures have been taken or are planned towards its implementation, with particular focus on protection. This panel particularly discussed developments within various EU external actions policies, including European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, the EU Common Security and Defense Policy, Security Sector Reform in DRC and EU's relation with non governmental organizations, in line with the implementation of the “EU Comprehensive Approach on the Implementation of resolutions 1325 and 1820”.
Displacement and Protection under the Resolution 1325 Framework
This panel introduced the issue of protection under resolution 1325 and discussed the meaning of protection in the framework of resolution 1325, with specific reference to displacement (in pre and post-conflict).
Protection – ‘Impact of Conflict on Women and Girls'
This panel explored the impact of conflict on women, and discussd the role of resolution 1325's provisions in mitigating these effects and ensuring women are agents of change.
Post-conflict recovery – ‘No Peace without Peace for Women and their Communities'
This panel discussed how participation by women enhances protection for all and reinforces peace building.
Miss Ghaffar was one of the main speakers in the panel: “Displacement and Protection under the UNSCR 1325/1820” which discussed the link between security, protection and human rights in the framework of 1325 and progresses and outstanding issues in each theme. The panel was moderated by Ms. Madeleine Rees, Secretary General of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Ms. Elizabeth Rasmusson the Secretary General of Norwegian Refugee Council; Mr. George Okoth-Obbo, Director of African Department-UNHCR and Mr. Daniel De Torres were the three other main presenter of the panel. The panel was started by addressing questions to each presenter by Ms. Rees and then there were quite high comprehensive dialogue between the presenters.
Miss Ghaffar put question on the table on the honesty of all stakeholders working for women empowerment in Afghanistan. She criticized the international community and Afghan government for not taking serious action to improve the life condition of women specially IDPs. During her speech she strongly criticized the presence of human rights abusers and warlords in all key government positions that has its direct affect in vulnerability of women. She mentioned that security became a good excuse for all aid agencies to drawn out their activities from the poorest provinces where most of the people are vulnerable. She also highlighted the efforts taking by national NGOs to address the need of women in collaboration with international community. She showed her concern regarding violence against women and asked all women rights advocates to give hand together to eliminate VAW around the world. She said: “Violence against women and girls in Afghanistan is gender based and pervasive. It is both domestic and structural and takes place in both the public and private spheres.”
Miss Ghaffar presented following recommendation to take into consideration by government of Afghanistan, international community and civil society:
The Afghan President should issue a decree referencing the Constitution, the ANDS and NAPWA. Such a decree should be applicable to all ministries ordering them to priorities gender equality and in this respect, establish Clear plans and implement practical strategies towards gender equality and women's leadership within the civil service. High officials should be held accountable for the implementation of the decree.
The government of Afghanistan should create a National Action Plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325 in Afghanistan and should appoint a Committee of committed, competent and qualified women and men to oversee the implementation of the Action Plan.
The Ministry of Women's Affairs should integrate the implementation of UNSCR 1325 into her Action Plan.
The Security Council should create a monitoring mechanism for 1325's implementation, within the UN system-wide Action Plan on SCR 1325.
Include the Resolution 1325 as an essential tool for peace- and state building in capacity-building programs for state institutions like ministries, the judiciary and police but also for civil society organizations and traditional policy-making organs like shuras and jirgas.
Carry out capacity building on sexualized violence against women, traumatization and its consequences as a tool for peace building and reconciliation.
Establish awareness raising programs for young men in schools on gender equality and gender roles as a tool of prevention for gender based violence and peace building
Support the peace building activities of Afghan women's organizations throughout the country and provide technical assistance and capacity-building for the local implementation of the provisions of Resolution 1325
Women's organizations should use a common peace building agenda to overcome divisions and collaborate on advocacy and service provision activities.
Establish a strong and systematic support and protect the rights of IDPs particularly women and children
Afghanistan should increase civic education on UNSCR 1325.