Wake Up

International Rescue Committee
Monday, March 7, 2011 - 19:00
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Initiative Type: 

From California to Congo, women and girls face unspeakable violence and abuse. In the chaos on conflict and disaster, women and girls are at even greater risk as their bodies and spirits become the forgotten frontline. Sexual violence is not just a by-product of war; it is a strategy of combat used to terrorize and humiliate.

Yet each day, women and men are fighting together to boldly re-imagine a safer, more peaceful world. It is a world where women and girls live free from violence, where a girl can go to school, where a woman is empowered to choose who and when she will marry and where gender is not an obstacle for a girl to reach her full potential.

Though this dream may not be realized overnight, this group of women and men push on. Watch and listen to what keeps them going despite incredible obstacles. Join this community. Share your own story. Send a wake up call.