VIDEO: AFGHANISTAN: The Growth of Women's Education

U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy
Monday, April 18, 2011 - 20:00
Southern Asia
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights
Initiative Type: 

Women's education around the world has become an objective for many organizations across the globe. From UNICEF to the Nike Foundation, organizations are committed to the education and future well-being of girls in the world's most war-torn and impoverished regions, the breeding ground of extremism.

Since 2001, millions of girls have been enrolled and started attending school in war-torn Afghanistan, due in large part to the increased knowledge of how truly important it is to provide girls with a quality education. As Greg Mortenson's bestselling story Three Cups of Tea has been read by millions of readers, it has inspired and therefore caused many people to establish organizations and campaigns dedicated to the cause of educating girls. Education supplies girls with more than knowledge, it gives them hope and a future—a future that is under their control.

The awareness has inspired individuals on college campuses, elementary schools, and in corporate world who in turn have contributed to the cause of girl's education because they know that it is important for human and economic development.

So much light has been shed on this important issue of girl's education. Building schools and educating women have become a pillar in social development not only in Central Asia, but in other under-developed regions world-wide. The resounding response that has occurred following the release the Greg's books has proven that good people in American have an insatiable thirst to contribute, through their own hard work or through other means, to championing this important cause of educating the next generation in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and all over the world.

Watch video here.