ONLINE DIALOGUE: Talk point: What do you think of UN Women's justice report?

The Guardian
Tuesday, July 5, 2011 - 20:00
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Initiative Type: 
Online Dialogues & Blogs

UN Women, the UN's newest agency, on Wednesday launched its flagship report that focuses on women's access to justice.

The report argues that well-functioning legal and justice systems can be vital mechanisms for women to achieve their rights and calls on governments around the world to "take urgent action to end the injustices that keep women poor and less powerful than men in every country".

Specifically, it calls on governments to:

• repeal laws that discriminate against women and ensure legislation protects women from violence and inequality at home and at work

• support innovative justice systems, legal aid and specialised courts for women

• put women on the frontline of justice delivery, in parliaments, the police and the courts

• increase funding for justice reform that specifically targets women and girls

What do you think of the report's recommendations? Do they go far enough?

Read all our coverage on our UN Women report 2011 page, specifically Madeleine Bunting's review of the report, our datablog comparing legal rights in countries across the world and our interactive timeline showing the progress of women's suffrage, as well as videos of women sharing their stories of access to justice.

Writing on the site, Michelle Bachelet, under-secretary general of UN Women, said the report was "comprehensive and sobering, cataloguing both the lack of legal protection women receive and the reasons behind this failure. In some cases, it can be the laws themselves that are unjust... in many cases, women are denied a fair deal because of a failure, whether through lack of resources, will or cultural obstacles, to uphold the legal rights they have been granted."

Is she right? Let us know what you think of the report and its recommendations in the comments below. If you have any problems posting, or if you would prefer to comment anonymously, email us at and we'll add your thoughts to the debate.