Canada looks forward to the Security Council reviewing the data collected by ...


Canada looks forward to the Security Council reviewing the data collected by the indicators in the future. Such information would be very helpful in our efforts to protect civilian populations in armed conflict. For example, that information should assist in the development of clearer mandates for United Nations peace operations, which would thereby assist peacekeepers on the ground in implementing targeted protection strategies. The data would also assist in the development of targeted predeployment and in mission training for peacekeepers. Canada notes that the Secretary-General's report points to an ongoing need to enhance the meaningful participation of women in peace processes. Canada is pleased to support the work of the United Nations Development Fund for Women and the Department of Political Affairs as they work together to ensure that peace processes benefit from the direct participation of women at all levels, that mediators exhibit better understanding of gender-specific implications of various aspects of peace agreements and that agreements provide remedy for the experiences of women and girls in conflict and enable them to participate fully in post-conflict recovery.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Peace Processes